In today's fast paced economic environment technology and speed mean everything. That is why Citipak utilizes state of the art logistical and courier technology that is proven to dramatically reduce delivery time, increase productivity, and streamline your delivery service from order entry all the way through to proof of delivery.
Online Order Entry
Allows customers access to a secure page with a username and password to place an order for a delivery with less time and fewer human errors. Orders can be placed in under 20 seconds! Online Guided Tour Signup for Online Services
One Click Auto Login
A 20 second download of our logo right onto your desktop that with one click brings you right into our secure order entry page. No more remembering a username and password. Automatically makes the delivery process 10-20 seconds faster. Download 1-Click Auto Login
Real Time Tracking
Our eTracTM software system allows you to easily view your scheduled deliveries and their progress in real time as well as proof of delivery.
DT Mobility
Wireless software that allows our dispatchers to send orders to the messenger right from the dispatcher's terminal. The messenger will then receive the delivery information through a 2-way Nextel IDEN phone and be able to send the dispatcher their status in real time. The process is completely automated and allows for faster delivery time by streamlining the communication process with our couriers and keeping your delivery information current and up to the minute!
Instant Proof of Deliveries
Hard copies of P.O.D.'s can be sent via email or fax.
Invoices can be sent via email through a PDF file. No more waiting for your bill to come in the mail; and its better for the environment!